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الاستثمار التقني


في تخطيطها لأعمالها واكبت المجموعة التحولات التقنية التي تقودها المملكة العربية السعودية في الأسواق العالمية فأنشأت نشاطها المتخصص في الاستثمار التقني والذي يهدف لتأسيس وتطوير مشاريع تقنية نوعية تسهم في الارتقاء بمتطلبات السوق المتخصص وفي هذا الاتجاه فقد أسهمت إدارتها في ابتكار مجموعة من المشاريع الرقمية ذات القيمة المضافة اجتماعياً والعائد المالي ربحياً.

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Anoos Arabia Holding Group works closely with industry leaders from the public and private sectors with the aim of developing partnerships or alliances that create new opportunities for all.

We pride ourselves on the quality of impact that we have established as a holding company. As the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia moves forward with its ambitious 2030 vision, Anoos Arabia Holding Group sees an amazing opportunity that will lead the company to the next stages of its business.

The strategic objective of the Anous Al-Araba Group has always been to cooperate with the successful and prominent players in their respective markets who wish to expand geographically within the Arab region. The company's investment insight and experience is critical in providing assurance and confidence to new business partners. The success of cooperation depends not only on financial and strategic stability, but also on the transfer of industry expertise and knowledge that can be leveraged to take advantage of opportunities and accelerate growth for all in the common journey.

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